Source code for sustaingym.envs.evcharging.multiagent_env

The module implements a multi-agent version of the EVChargingEnv.
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import deque
from typing import Any

from gymnasium import spaces
import numpy as np
from pettingzoo import ParallelEnv

from .discrete_action_wrapper import DiscreteActionWrapper
from .env import EVChargingEnv
from .event_generation import AbstractTraceGenerator

[docs] class MultiAgentEVChargingEnv(ParallelEnv): """Multi-agent EV charging environment. Each charging station is modeled as an independent agent with a single action of the pilot signal to supply. This environment's API is known to be compatible with PettingZoo v1.24.1 Observations for each agent are flattened. Attributes: # attributes required by pettingzoo.ParallelEnv agents: list[str], agent IDs (which are the charging station IDs) possible_agents: list[str], same as agents observation_spaces: dict[str, spaces.Box], observation space for each agent action_spaces: dict[str, spaces.Box], action space for each agent # attributes specific to MultiAgentEVChargingEnv single_env: EVChargingEnv, single-agent EVChargingEnv periods_delay: int, time periods of delay for inter-agent communication """ # PettingZoo API
[docs] metadata = {}
def __init__(self, data_generator: AbstractTraceGenerator, periods_delay: int = 0, moer_forecast_steps: int = 36, project_action_in_env: bool = True, discrete: bool = False, verbose: int = 0): super().__init__() self.periods_delay = periods_delay # Create internal single-agent environment # observations are dictionaries self.single_env = EVChargingEnv( data_generator=data_generator, moer_forecast_steps=moer_forecast_steps, project_action_in_env=project_action_in_env, verbose=verbose) if discrete: self.single_env = DiscreteActionWrapper(self.single_env) # PettingZoo API self.agents =[:] self.possible_agents = self.agents # Create observation spaces w/ dictionary to help in flattening self._dict_observation_spaces = { agent: self.single_env.observation_space for agent in self.agents} self.observation_spaces = { agent: spaces.flatten_space(self._dict_observation_spaces[agent]) for agent in self.agents} # flattened observations # per-agent action space if discrete: action_space = spaces.Discrete(5) else: action_space = spaces.Box(0., 1., shape=(1,)) self.action_spaces = {agent: action_space for agent in self.agents} # Create queue of previous observations to implement time-delay self._past_obs_agg = deque[dict[str, Any]](maxlen=self.periods_delay) def _create_dict_from_obs_agg(self, obs_agg: dict[str, Any], init: bool = False) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Creates dict of individual observations from aggregate observation. Args: obs_agg: observation from single-agent env init: whether this is the obs to return for reset() Returns: observations: dictionary of observations separated by agent """ # Without time delay, agent gets global information if self.periods_delay == 0: return { agent: spaces.flatten(self._dict_observation_spaces[agent], obs_agg) for agent in self.agents } # With time delay, agent gets its current information (estimated departure # and demands) and other agents' previous information if init: # Initialize past_obs by repeating first observation self._past_obs_agg.clear() for _ in range(self.periods_delay): self._past_obs_agg.append(obs_agg) return { agent: spaces.flatten(self._dict_observation_spaces[agent], obs_agg) for agent in self.agents } else: first_obs_agg = self._past_obs_agg.popleft() self._past_obs_agg.append(obs_agg) td_obs = {agent: obs_agg.copy() for agent in self.agents} # time-delay observation for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents): for var in ['est_departures', 'demands']: # Other agents' information is from the time delay td_obs[agent][var] = first_obs_agg[var] # Agents' own information is current td_obs[agent][var][i] = obs_agg[var][i] # Convert each agents' dictionary observation to a flattened array for agent in self.agents: td_obs[agent] = spaces.flatten(self._dict_observation_spaces[agent], td_obs[agent]) return td_obs def _create_dict_from_infos_agg(self, infos_agg: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Every agent gets global information.""" infos = {} for agent in self.agents: infos[agent] = infos_agg return infos
[docs] def step(self, actions: dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> tuple[ dict[str, np.ndarray], dict[str, float], dict[str, bool], dict[str, bool], dict[str, dict[str, Any]]]: """ Returns: obss: dict mapping agent_id to observation rewards: dict mapping agent_id to reward terminateds: dict mapping agent_id to terminated truncateds: dict mapping agent_id to truncated infos: dict mapping agent_id to info """ # Build action action = np.zeros(self.num_agents, dtype=np.float32) for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents): action[i] = actions[agent] # Use internal single-agent environment obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = self.single_env.step(action) obss = self._create_dict_from_obs_agg(obs) rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos = {}, {}, {}, {} for agent in self.agents: rewards[agent] = reward / self.num_agents # every agent gets same global reward signal terminateds[agent] = terminated truncateds[agent] = truncated infos[agent] = info # same as info # Delete all agents when day is finished if terminated or truncated: self.agents = [] return obss, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos
[docs] def reset(self, seed: int | None = None, options: dict | None = None ) -> tuple[dict[str, np.ndarray], dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Resets the environment.""" obs_agg, info_agg = self.single_env.reset(seed=seed, options=options) self.agents = self.possible_agents[:] obss = self._create_dict_from_obs_agg(obs_agg, init=True) infos = self._create_dict_from_infos_agg(info_agg) return obss, infos
[docs] def render(self) -> None: """Render environment.""" self.single_env.render()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the environment.""" self.single_env.close()
[docs] def observation_space(self, agent: str) -> spaces.Space: return self.observation_spaces[agent]
[docs] def action_space(self, agent: str) -> spaces.Box | spaces.Discrete: return self.action_spaces[agent]