Source code for sustaingym.envs.evcharging.env

The module implements the EVChargingEnv class.
from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Any
import warnings

import acnportal.acnsim as acns
import cvxpy as cp
from gymnasium import Env, spaces
import numpy as np

from .event_generation import AbstractTraceGenerator
from .utils import MINS_IN_DAY, site_str_to_site
from sustaingym.envs.utils import solve_mosek

[docs] class EVChargingEnv(Env): """EVCharging class. This classes simulates the charging schedule of electric vehicles (or EVs) connected to an EV charging network. It is based on ACN-Data and ACN-Sim developed at Caltech. Each episode is a 24-hour day of charging, and the simulation can be done using real data from ACN-Data or a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) fitted on the data (see The gym supports the Caltech and JPL sites. This environment's API is known to be compatible with Gymnasium v0.28, v0.29. In what follows: - ``n`` = number of stations in the EV charging network - ``k`` = number of steps for the MOER CO2 forecast Actions: .. code:: none Type: Box(n) Action Shape Min Max normalized pilot signal n 0 1 Observations: .. code:: none Type: Dict(Box(1), Box(n), Box(n), Box(1), Box(k)) Shape Min Max Timestep (fraction of day) 1 0 1 Estimated departures (timesteps) n -288 288 Demands (kWh) n 0 Max Allowed Energy Request Previous MOER value 1 0 1 Forecasted MOER (kg CO2 / kWh) k 0 1 Args: data_generator: generator for sampling EV charging events and MOER forecasts moer_forecast_steps: number of steps of MOER forecast to include, minimum of 1 and maximum of 36. Each step is 5 mins, for a maximum of 3 hrs. project_action_in_env: whether gym should project action to obey network constraints and not overcharge vehicles verbose: level of verbosity for print out - 0: nothing - 1: print description of current simulation day - 2: print warnings from network constraint violations and convex optimization solver Attributes: # attributes required by gym.Env action_space: spaces.Box, structure of actions expected by env observation_space: spaces.Dict, structure of observations reward_range: tuple[float, float], min and max rewards spec: EnvSpec, info about env if initialized from gymnasium.make() metadata: dict[str, Any], unused np_random: np.random.Generator, random number generator for the env # attributes specific to EVChargingEnv data_generator: AbstractTraceGenerator, generator for sampling EV charging events and MOER forecasting max_timestep: int, maximum timestep in a day's simulation moer_forecast_steps: int, number of steps of MOER forecast to include project_action_in_env: bool, whether gym should project action to obey network constraints and not overcharge vehicles verbose: int, level of verbosity for print out - 0: nothing - 1: print description of current simulation day - 2: print warnings from network constraint violations and convex optimization solver cn: acns.ChargingNetwork, EV charging network num_stations: int, number of stations in EV charging network timestep: int, current timestep in episode, from 0 to 288 """
[docs] TIMESTEP_DURATION = 5 # in minutes
[docs] ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR = 32 # Max charging rate in A for garage EVSEs
# Reward calculation factors
[docs] VOLTAGE = 208 # in volts (V), default value from ACN-Sim
[docs] MARGINAL_REVENUE_PER_KWH = 0.15 # revenue in $ / kWh
[docs] OPERATING_MARGIN = 0.20 # profit / revenue as a %
[docs] CO2_COST_PER_METRIC_TON = 30.85 # carbon cost in $ / 1000 kg CO2
[docs] A_MINS_TO_KWH = (1 / 60) * (VOLTAGE / 1000) # (kWh / A * mins)
[docs] VIOLATION_WEIGHT = 0.001 # cost in $ / kWh of violation
[docs] A_PERS_TO_KWH = A_MINS_TO_KWH * TIMESTEP_DURATION # (kWh / A * periods)
[docs] CARBON_COST_FACTOR = A_PERS_TO_KWH * (CO2_COST_PER_METRIC_TON / 1000) # ($ * kV * hr) / (kg CO2 * period)
def __init__(self, data_generator: AbstractTraceGenerator, moer_forecast_steps: int = 36, project_action_in_env: bool = True, verbose: int = 0): assert 1 <= moer_forecast_steps <= 36 # Set arguments self.data_generator = data_generator self.max_timestep = MINS_IN_DAY // self.TIMESTEP_DURATION self.moer_forecast_steps = moer_forecast_steps self.project_action_in_env = project_action_in_env self.verbose = verbose if self.verbose < 2: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Set up infrastructure info with fake parameters = site_str_to_site( self.num_stations = len( self._evse_name_to_idx = {evse: i for i, evse in enumerate(} # Initialize information-tracking arrays once, always gets zeroed out at each step self._est_departures = np.zeros(self.num_stations, dtype=np.float32) self._demands = np.zeros(self.num_stations, dtype=np.float32) self._prev_moer = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float32) self._forecasted_moer = np.zeros(self.moer_forecast_steps, dtype=np.float32) self._timestep_obs = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float32) # timestep normalized to [0, 1] self.observation_space = spaces.Dict({ 'timestep': spaces.Box(0, 1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32), 'est_departures': spaces.Box(-288, 288, shape=(self.num_stations,), dtype=np.float32), 'demands': spaces.Box(0, self.data_generator.requested_energy_cap, shape=(self.num_stations,), dtype=np.float32), 'prev_moer': spaces.Box(0, 1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32), 'forecasted_moer': spaces.Box(0, 1, shape=(self.moer_forecast_steps,), dtype=np.float32), }) self._obs = { 'timestep': self._timestep_obs, 'est_departures': self._est_departures, 'demands': self._demands, 'prev_moer': self._prev_moer, 'forecasted_moer': self._forecasted_moer, } # Track cumulative components of reward signal self._reward_breakdown = { 'profit': 0.0, 'carbon_cost': 0.0, 'excess_charge': 0.0, } # Initialize variables for gym resetting self.t = 0 self._simulator: acns.Simulator = None # Define action space for the pilot signals self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=1.0, shape=(self.num_stations,), dtype=np.float32) # Define reward range self.reward_range = (-np.inf, self.PROFIT_FACTOR * 32 * self.num_stations) # Set up action projection if self.project_action_in_env: self._init_action_projection() def _init_action_projection(self) -> None: """Initializes optimization problem, parameters, and variables.""" # Projected action to be sent as actual pilot signal, normalized to [0, 1] self._projected_action = cp.Variable(self.num_stations, nonneg=True) # Parameters to be set when stepping through environment self._agent_action = cp.Parameter(self.num_stations, nonneg=True) self._demands_cvx = cp.Parameter(self.num_stations, nonneg=True) # Action cannot exceed maximum pilot signal or total demand of vehicle max_action = cp.minimum( 1., self._demands_cvx / self.A_PERS_TO_KWH / self.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR) objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(self._projected_action - self._agent_action, p=2)) constraints = [ self._projected_action <= max_action, magnitude_constraint(self._projected_action, ] self.prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) assert self.prob.is_dpp() and self.prob.is_dcp() def _project_action(self, action: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Projects action to satisfy charging network constraints. The projection ensures that network constraints are obeyed and no more charge is provided than is demanded. The projected action is the action in the feasible space that minimizes the L2 norm between it and the suggested action. Args: action: shape [num_stations], normalized charging rate in [0, 1] for each charging station. Returns: projected_action: array of shape [num_stations], still a normalized charging rate in [0, 1] """ self._projected_action.value = action # initialize value for faster convergence self._agent_action.value = action self._demands_cvx.value = self._demands solve_mosek(self.prob, self.verbose) action = self._projected_action.value return action def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns the string representation of charging gym.""" return (f'EVChargingGym (action projection = {self.project_action_in_env}, ' f'moer forecast steps = {self.moer_forecast_steps}) ' f'using {self.data_generator.__repr__()}')
[docs] def step(self, action: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[dict[str, np.ndarray], float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]]: """Steps the environment. Calls the step function of the internal simulator. Args: action: shape [num_stations], normalized charging rate for each charging station between 0 and 1. Returns: observation: state - 'est_departures': shape [num_stations], the estimated number of periods until departure. If there is no EVSE at the index, the entry is set to zero. - 'demands': shape [num_stations], amount of charge demanded by each EVSE in kWh. - 'prev_moer': shape [1], emissions rate for the current timestep in kg CO2 per kWh. Between 0 and 1. - 'forecasted_moer': shape [moer_forecast_steps], forecasted emissions rate for next timestep(s) in kg CO2 per kWh. Between 0 and 1. - 'timestep': shape [1], fraction of day between 0 and 1. reward: scheduler's performance metric per timestep terminated: whether episode is terminated truncated: always ``False``, since there is no intermediate stopping condition info: auxiliary useful information - 'num_evs': int, number of charging sessions in episode. - 'avg_plugin_time': float, average plugin time in periods (5 mins) across sessions in episode. - 'max_profit': float, maximum profit if all EVs were charged maximally while they are connected to the network. This does not take into account network constraints or carbon emissions, and it is a good proxy for info['reward_breakdown']['profit']. - 'reward_breakdown': dict[str, float], breakdown of evaluation metrics cumulative over the episode. - 'profit' ($) : profit over charge delivered to all EVs. - 'carbon_cost'($): cost of marginal emissions. - 'excess_charge' ($): cost of network violations. - 'evs': list[acnm.ev.EV], list of EVs in the event queue - 'active_evs': list[acnm.ev.EV], list of active EVs at current timestep - 'moer': array, shape [289, 37] emissions rate for entire episode. - 'pilot_signals': DataFrame, pilot signals received by simulator """ self.t += 1 # Step internal simulator schedule = self._to_schedule(action) # transform action to pilot signals done = self._simulator.step(schedule) # NOTE: call reset() for NoneType AttributeError self._simulator._resolve = False # work-around to keep iterating # Retrieve environment information observation = self._get_observation() reward = self._get_reward(schedule) info = self._get_info() return observation, reward, done, False, info
[docs] def reset(self, *, seed: int | None = None, options: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> tuple[dict[str, np.ndarray], dict[str, Any]]: """Resets the environment. Prepares for the next episode by re-creating the charging network, generating new events, creating the simulation and interface, and resetting information-tracking variables. Args: seed: seed for resetting the environment. An episode is entirely reproducible no matter the generator used. options: resetting options - 'verbose': set verbosity level [0-2] Returns: observation: state dict, see `step()` info: info dict, see `step()` """ super().reset(seed=seed) self.data_generator.set_seed(seed) if options is not None and 'verbose' in options: self.verbose = options['verbose'] # Initialize network, events, MOER data, simulator, interface, and timestep = site_str_to_site( events, self._evs, num_plugs = self.data_generator.get_event_queue() self._max_profit = self._calculate_max_profit() self.moer = self.data_generator.get_moer() self._simulator = acns.Simulator(, scheduler=None, events=events,, period=self.data_generator.TIME_STEP_DURATION, verbose=False) self._interface = acns.Interface(self._simulator) self.t = 0 # Restart information tracking for reward component for reward_component in self._reward_breakdown: self._reward_breakdown[reward_component] = 0.0 if self.verbose >= 1: print(f'Simulating {num_plugs} events using {self.data_generator}') return self._get_observation(), self._get_info()
def _to_schedule(self, action: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, list[float]]: """Returns EVSE pilot signals given a numpy action. Actions are expected to be in the set [0-1], which are scaled by 32 to generate pilot signals in [0-32]. Currently, the gym supports the Caltech and JPL sites with 2 types of EVSEs: AV (AeroVironment) and CC (ClipperCreek), each specific with the pilot signal required. One type only allows pilot signals in the set {0, 8, 16, 24, 32}. The other allows pilot signals in the set {0} U {6, 7, 8, ..., 32}. Pilot signals that do not reach the minimum pilot signal threshold are set to zero, and they have to be appropriately rounded. The gym supports action projection for obeying network constraints. Args: action: shape [num_stations], normalized charging rate for each charging station. Returns: pilot_signals: mapping of station ids to a single-element list of pilot signals in Amps """ if self.project_action_in_env: action = self._project_action(action) action *= self.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR # convert to (A), in [0, 32] pilot_signals = {} for i in range(self.num_stations): station_id =[i] # hacky way to determine allowable rates - allowed rates required to keep simulation running # one type of EVSE accepts values in {0, 8, 16, 24, 32} # the other type accepts {0} U {6, 7, 8, ..., 32} if[i] == 6: # signals less than min pilot signal are set to zero, rest are in action space pilot_signals[station_id] = [np.round(action[i]) if action[i] >= 6 else 0] else: # set to {0, 8, 16, 24, 32} pilot_signals[station_id] = [np.round(action[i] / 8) * 8] # TODO: smarter rounding? return pilot_signals def _get_observation(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Returns observations for the current state of simulation.""" self._est_departures.fill(0) self._demands.fill(0) for session_info in self._interface.active_sessions(): station_idx = self._evse_name_to_idx[session_info.station_id] self._est_departures[station_idx] = session_info.estimated_departure - self.t self._demands[station_idx] = session_info.remaining_demand # kWh self._prev_moer[0] = self.moer[self.t, 0] self._forecasted_moer[:] = self.moer[self.t, 1:self.moer_forecast_steps + 1] # forecasts start from 2nd column self._timestep_obs[0] = self.t / self.max_timestep return self._obs def _get_info(self, all: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns info. See `step()`. Args: all: whether all information should be returned. Otherwise, only 'max_profit' and 'reward_breakdown' are returned. """ info = { 'max_profit': self._max_profit, 'reward_breakdown': self._reward_breakdown } if all: info.update({ 'num_evs': len(self._evs), 'avg_plugin_time': self._calculate_avg_plugin_time(), 'evs': self._evs, 'active_evs': self._simulator.get_active_evs(), 'moer': self.moer, 'pilot_signals': self._simulator.pilot_signals_as_df() }) return info def _calculate_avg_plugin_time(self) -> float: """Calculate average plug-in times for evs in periods.""" return np.mean([ev.departure - ev.arrival for ev in self._evs]) def _calculate_max_profit(self) -> float: """Calculate max profits without regards to network constraints.""" requested_energy = np.array([ev.requested_energy for ev in self._evs]) duration_in_periods = np.array([ev.departure - ev.arrival for ev in self._evs]) max_kwh_in_duration = duration_in_periods * self.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR * self.A_PERS_TO_KWH max_kwh_to_provide = np.minimum(requested_energy, max_kwh_in_duration) max_profit = np.sum(max_kwh_to_provide * self.MARGINAL_PROFIT_PER_KWH) return max_profit def _get_reward(self, schedule: Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]) -> float: """Returns total reward for scheduler performance on current timestep. The reward is a weighted sum of charging rewards, carbon costs, and network constraint violation costs. Args: schedule: maps EVSE charger ID to a single-element list of the pilot signal (in Amps) to that charger. Returns: total_reward: weighted reward awarded to the current timestep """ # profit calculation (Amp * period) -> ($) total_charging_rate = np.sum(self._simulator.charging_rates[:, self.t-1]) # in (A) profit = self.PROFIT_FACTOR * total_charging_rate # Network constraints - amount of charge over maximum allowed rates ($) schedule = np.array([x[0] for x in schedule.values()]) # convert to numpy current_sum = np.abs( excess_current = np.sum(np.maximum(0, current_sum - excess_charge = excess_current * self.VIOLATION_FACTOR # Carbon cost (Amp * period * kg CO2 / kWh) -> ($) carbon_cost = self.CARBON_COST_FACTOR * total_charging_rate * self.moer[self.t, 0] total_reward = profit - carbon_cost - excess_charge # Update reward information-tracking self._reward_breakdown['profit'] += profit self._reward_breakdown['carbon_cost'] += carbon_cost self._reward_breakdown['excess_charge'] += excess_charge return total_reward
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the environment. Delete internal variables.""" del self._simulator,
[docs] def magnitude_constraint(action: cp.Variable, cn: acns.ChargingNetwork ) -> cp.Constraint: """Creates constraint requiring that aggregate magnitude (A) must be less than observation magnitude (A). Args: action: shape [num_stations] or [num_stations, T], charging rates normalized to [0, 1] Returns: constr: constraint on aggregate magnitude """ phase_factor = np.exp(1j * np.deg2rad(cn._phase_angles)) # shape [num_stations] A_tilde = cn.constraint_matrix * phase_factor[None, :] # shape [num_constraints, num_stations] # convert to A agg_magnitude = cp.abs(A_tilde @ action) * EVChargingEnv.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR if len(action.shape) == 1: # agg_magnitude has shape [num_constraints] return agg_magnitude <= cn.magnitudes elif len(action.shape) == 2: # agg_magnitude has shape [num_constraints, T] return agg_magnitude <= cn.magnitudes[:, None] else: raise ValueError( 'Action should have shape [num_stations] or [num_stations, T], ' f'but received shape {action.shape} instead.')