This module implements the CogenEnv class
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from typing import Any
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
import pandas as pd
from sustaingym.data.cogen import load_ambients
from sustaingym.data.utils import read_bytes, read_to_bytesio
class CogenEnv(gym.Env):
This environment's API is known to be compatible with Gymnasium v0.28, v0.29.
.. code:: none
Type: Dict(Box(1), Discrete(2), Discrete(2), Box(1),
Box(1), Discrete(2), Discrete(2), Box(1),
Box(1), Discrete(2), Discrete(2), Box(1),
Box(1), Box(1), Discrete(12, start=1))
Action Min Max
GT1_PWR (MW) 41.64 168.27
GT1_PAC_FFU (binary) 0 1
GT1_EVC_FFU (binary) 0 1
HR1_HPIP_M_PROC (klb/hr) 403.16 819.57
GT2_PWR (MW) 41.49 168.41
GT2_PAC_FFU (binary) 0 1
GT2_EVC_FFU (binary) 0 1
HR2_HPIP_M_PROC (klb/hr) 396.67 817.35
GT3_PWR (MW) 46.46 172.44
GT3_PAC_FFU (binary) 0 1
GT3_EVC_FFU (binary) 0 1
HR3_HPIP_M_PROC (klb/hr) 439.00 870.27
ST_PWR (MW) 25.65 83.54
IPPROC_M (klb/hr) -1218.23 -318.05
CT_NrBays (int) 1 12
.. code:: none
Type: Dict(Box(1), Action_Dict,
Box(forecast_horizon + 1), Box(forecast_horizon + 1),
Box(forecast_horizon + 1), Box(forecast_horizon + 1),
Box(forecast_horizon + 1), Box(forecast_horizon + 1),
Box(forecast_horizon + 1))
Observation Min Max
Time (fraction of day) 0 1
Previous action (dict) see above see above
Temperature forecast (F) 32 115
Pressure forecast (psia) 14 15
Humidity forecast (fraction) 0 1
Target net power (MW) 0 700
Target process steam (klb/hr) 0 1300
Electricity price ($/MWh) 0 1500
Natural gas price ($/MMBtu) 0 7
renewables_magnitude: wind generation capacity
ramp_penalty: magnitude of penalty for generator ramping
supply_imbalance_penalty: magnitude of penalty for energy/steam supply-demand imbalance
constraint_violation_penalty: magnitude of penalty for other constraint violations
forecast_horizon: number of forecast steps to include in observation
forecast_noise_std: standard deviation of noise on future forecast steps
def __init__(self,
renewables_magnitude: float = 0.,
ramp_penalty: float = 2.,
supply_imbalance_penalty: float = 1000,
constraint_violation_penalty: float = 1000,
forecast_horizon: int = 3,
forecast_noise_std: float = 0.0,
self.ramp_penalty = ramp_penalty
self.supply_imbalance_penalty = supply_imbalance_penalty
self.constraint_violation_penalty = constraint_violation_penalty
self.forecast_horizon = forecast_horizon
self.forecast_noise_std = forecast_noise_std
# load the ambient conditions dataframes
self.ambients_dfs = load_ambients.construct_df(renewables_magnitude=renewables_magnitude)
self.n_days = len(self.ambients_dfs)
self.timesteps_per_day = len(self.ambients_dfs[0])
assert (0 <= self.forecast_horizon < self.timesteps_per_day - 1), 'forecast_horizon must be in [0, timesteps_per_day - 1)'
# actual ONNX model is loaded in reset()
self._model: rt.InferenceSession | None = None
# load model parameters from JSON file into DataFrame
# id (index) str
# min float64
# max float64
# unit str
# data_type str
bytesio = read_to_bytesio('data/cogen/onnx_model/model.json')
json_data = json.load(bytesio)
inputs_table = pd.DataFrame(json_data['inputs'])
inputs_table.drop(columns=['index'], inplace=True)
inputs_table.set_index('id', inplace=True)
# action space is power output, evaporative cooler switch, power augmentation switch, and equivalent
# process steam flow for generators 1, 2, and 3, as well as steam turbine power output, steam flow
# through condenser, and number of cooling bays employed
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Dict({
'GT1_PWR': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['GT1_PWR', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['GT1_PWR', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'GT1_PAC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'GT1_EVC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'HR1_HPIP_M_PROC': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['HR1_HPIP_M_PROC', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['HR1_HPIP_M_PROC', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'GT2_PWR': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['GT2_PWR', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['GT2_PWR', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'GT2_PAC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'GT2_EVC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'HR2_HPIP_M_PROC': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['HR2_HPIP_M_PROC', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['HR2_HPIP_M_PROC', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'GT3_PWR': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['GT3_PWR', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['GT3_PWR', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'GT3_PAC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'GT3_EVC_FFU': gym.spaces.Discrete(2),
'HR3_HPIP_M_PROC': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['HR3_HPIP_M_PROC', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['HR3_HPIP_M_PROC', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'ST_PWR': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['ST_PWR', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['ST_PWR', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'IPPROC_M': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['IPPROC_M', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['IPPROC_M', 'max'], shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'CT_NrBays': gym.spaces.Discrete(12, start=1)
# define the observation space
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict({
'Time': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32),
'Prev_Action': self.action_space,
'TAMB': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['TAMB', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['TAMB', 'max'], shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'PAMB': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['PAMB', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['PAMB', 'max'], shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'RHAMB': gym.spaces.Box(low=inputs_table.loc['RHAMB', 'min'], high=inputs_table.loc['RHAMB', 'max'], shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'Target_Power': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=700, shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'Target_Steam': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1300, shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'Energy_Price': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1500, shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32),
'Gas_Price': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=7, shape=(forecast_horizon+1,), dtype=np.float32)
def _forecast_from_time(self, day: int, time_step: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Gets forecast values starting at the given day and time step for
the following self.forecast_horizon + 1 time steps.
forecast: DataFrame with 7 columns, type float32
slice_df = self.ambients_dfs[day].iloc[time_step:min(time_step+self.forecast_horizon+1, self.timesteps_per_day)]
# fix so that if the slice_df is not long enough, it will take the first values of the next day
if len(slice_df) < self.forecast_horizon + 1:
slice_df = pd.concat([slice_df, self.ambients_dfs[day+1].iloc[:self.forecast_horizon + 1 - len(slice_df)]])
cols = ['Ambient Temperature', 'Ambient Pressure',
'Ambient rel. Humidity', 'Target Net Power',
'Target Process Steam', 'Energy Price', 'Gas Price']
forecast = slice_df[cols]
# add iid gaussian noise to future observations
forecast.iloc[1:] += self.forecast_noise_std * self.np_random.normal(size=(self.forecast_horizon, 7))
return forecast.astype(np.float32)
def _get_obs(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get the current observation.
The following values must be updated before calling `self._get_obs()`:
- self.t
- self.current_day
- self.current_action
forecast_df = self._forecast_from_time(self.current_day, self.t)
obs = {
'Time': np.array([self.t / self.timesteps_per_day], dtype=np.float32),
'Prev_Action': self.current_action,
'TAMB': forecast_df['Ambient Temperature'].values,
'PAMB': forecast_df['Ambient Pressure'].values,
'RHAMB': forecast_df['Ambient rel. Humidity'].values,
'Target_Power': forecast_df['Target Net Power'].values,
'Target_Steam': forecast_df['Target Process Steam'].values,
'Energy_Price': forecast_df['Energy Price'].values,
'Gas_Price': forecast_df['Gas Price'].values,
return obs
def reset(self, *, seed: int | None = None, options: dict[str, Any] | None = None
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]:
"""Initialize or restart an episode.
seed: optional seed vaue for controlling seed of np.random attributes
return_info: determines if returned observation includes additional
info or not (not implemented)
options: includes optional settings like reward type (not implemented)
obs: initial state
info: initial info dict
# We initialize ONNX model in reset() instead of __init__() because
# RLLib inits the environment first, then forks worker processes.
# However, an ONNX InferenceSession cannot be "pickled" and therefore
# cannot be forked across RLLib worker processes.
if self._model is None:
b = read_bytes('data/cogen/onnx_model/model.onnx')
self._model = rt.InferenceSession(
b, providers=['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'])
# randomly pick a day for the episode
# subtract 1 as temporary fix to make sure we don't go over the number of days with lookahead window
if seed is None:
self.current_day = self.np_random.integers(low=0, high=self.n_days-1)
self.current_day = seed % self.n_days
self.t = 0 # keeps track of which timestep we are on
# initial action is drawn randomly from the action space
# not sure if this is reasonable, TODO: check this
self.current_action = self.action_space.sample()
self.obs = self._get_obs()
info = {
'Operating constraint violation': None,
'Demand constraint violation': None
return self.obs, info
def _dyn_constraint_volation(self, input_data: np.ndarray, output_data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the dynamic operating constraint violation for one
timestep of plant operation.
input_data: shape [18], plant model inputs for the current timestep
output_data: shape [29], plant model outputs for the current timestep
cv: shape [16], constraint violations for the current timestep
cv = np.zeros(16)
cv[0] = max(0, output_data[9] - input_data[5]) # min violation
cv[1] = max(0, input_data[5] - output_data[10]) # max violation
# GT1_HR
cv[2] = max(0, output_data[15] - input_data[12]) # min violation
cv[3] = max(0, input_data[12] - output_data[16]) # max violation
cv[4] = max(0, output_data[11] - input_data[8]) # min violation
cv[5] = max(0, input_data[8] - output_data[12]) # max violation
# GT2_HR
cv[6] = max(0, output_data[17] - input_data[13]) # min violation
cv[7] = max(0, input_data[13] - output_data[18]) # max violation
cv[8] = max(0, output_data[13] - input_data[11]) # min violation
cv[9] = max(0, input_data[11] - output_data[14]) # max violation
# GT3_HR
cv[10] = max(0, output_data[19] - input_data[14]) # min violation
cv[11] = max(0, input_data[14] - output_data[20]) # max violation
cv[12] = max(0, output_data[24] - input_data[15]) # min violation
cv[13] = max(0, input_data[15] - output_data[25]) # max violation
cv[14] = max(0, input_data[16] - output_data[22]) # max violation
cv[15] = max(0, input_data[16] - output_data[23]) # max violation
return cv
def _compute_reward(self, obs: dict[str, Any], action: dict[str, Any]
) -> tuple[float, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Computes the reward for the current timestep.
Reward is the negative of the sum of the four following components:
- total generation fuel consumption
- total ramp cost
- penalty for steam/energy non-delivery
- penalty for dynamic operating constraint violation
obs: the current state observation
action: the current action
reward: the reward for the current timestep
# run the cc model on the action
model_input = np.array([
obs['TAMB'][0], obs['PAMB'][0], obs['RHAMB'][0],
action['GT1_PAC_FFU'], action['GT1_EVC_FFU'], action['GT1_PWR'][0],
action['GT2_PAC_FFU'], action['GT2_EVC_FFU'], action['GT2_PWR'][0],
action['GT3_PAC_FFU'], action['GT3_EVC_FFU'], action['GT3_PWR'][0],
action['HR1_HPIP_M_PROC'][0], action['HR2_HPIP_M_PROC'][0],
action['HR3_HPIP_M_PROC'][0], action['ST_PWR'][0],
action['IPPROC_M'][0], action['CT_NrBays']
], dtype=np.float32)
assert self._model is not None
model_output = self._model.run(None, {self._model.get_inputs()[0].name: [model_input]})[0][0]
# print(model_output)
# extract the fuel consumption (klb/hr)
# fuel costs
fuel_costs = {
'GT1': model_output[6],
'GT2': model_output[7],
'GT3': model_output[8],
'ST' : 0,
total_fuel_cost = model_output[-8]
# ramp costs
prev_action = obs['Prev_Action']
ramp_costs = {
'GT1': self.ramp_penalty * np.abs(action['GT1_PWR'][0] - prev_action['GT1_PWR'][0]),
'GT2': self.ramp_penalty * np.abs(action['GT2_PWR'][0] - prev_action['GT2_PWR'][0]),
'GT3': self.ramp_penalty * np.abs(action['GT3_PWR'][0] - prev_action['GT3_PWR'][0]),
'ST' : self.ramp_penalty * np.abs(action['ST_PWR'][0] - prev_action['ST_PWR'][0]),
total_ramp_cost = sum(ramp_costs.values())
# dynamic operating constraint violation
dyn_cv = self._dyn_constraint_volation(model_input, model_output)
dyn_cv_costs = {
'GT1': self.constraint_violation_penalty * dyn_cv[:4].sum(),
'GT2': self.constraint_violation_penalty * dyn_cv[4:8].sum(),
'GT3': self.constraint_violation_penalty * dyn_cv[8:12].sum(),
'ST' : self.constraint_violation_penalty * dyn_cv[12:].sum(),
total_dyn_cv_cost = sum(dyn_cv_costs.values())
# compute the penalty for steam/energy non-delivery
# this will be a relu penalty, so if the target is not met, the penalty is the difference
# between the target and the actual value
steam_penalty = np.maximum(0, obs['Target_Steam'][0] - model_output[-1])
energy_penalty = np.maximum(0, obs['Target_Power'][0] - model_output[-2])
non_delivery_penalty = self.supply_imbalance_penalty * (steam_penalty + energy_penalty)
# compute the total reward
total_reward = -(total_fuel_cost + total_ramp_cost + non_delivery_penalty + total_dyn_cv_cost)
reward_breakdown = {
'fuel_costs': fuel_costs,
'ramp_costs': ramp_costs,
'dyn_cv_costs': dyn_cv_costs,
'non_delivery_cost': non_delivery_penalty
return total_reward, reward_breakdown
def step(self, action: dict[str, Any]
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Run one timestep of the Cogen environment's dynamics.
action: an action provided by the environment
obs: new state
reward: reward
terminated: termination flag
truncated: always ``False``, since there is no intermediate stopping condition
info: info dict
# compute the loss of taking the action
self.current_reward, self.current_info = self._compute_reward(self.obs, action)
# update the current action
self.current_action = action
# update the current timestep
self.t += 1
# update the current observation
self.obs = self._get_obs()
# update the current done
terminated = (self.t >= self.timesteps_per_day)
# always False due to no intermediate stopping conditions
truncated = False
return self.obs, self.current_reward, terminated, truncated, self.current_info