"""Methods for handling Marginal Operating Emissions Rate (MOER) data from the
California Self-Generation Incentive Program. See
http://sgipsignal.com/api-documentation for more information.
By default, saves MOER files to
where ``{ba}`` is the balancing authority. The default balancing authorities
are ``'SGIP_CAISO_PGE'`` and ``'SGIP_CAISO_SCE'``.
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
import requests
from .utils import read_csv
('2019-05', '2021-08'),
USERNAME = os.environ.get('SGIPSIGNAL_USER')
PASSWORD = os.environ.get('SGIPSIGNAL_PASS')
if USERNAME is None or PASSWORD is None:
PASSWORD = 'caltechsgip.2022'
LOGIN_URL = 'https://sgipsignal.com/login/'
'historical': 'https://sgipsignal.com/sgipmoer/',
'forecasted': 'https://sgipsignal.com/sgipforecast/'
'historical': '1.0', # see API, vaild April 1, 2020 to January 31, 2022
'forecasted': '1.0-1.0.0',
'historical': 'point_time',
'forecasted': 'generated_at',
DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'moer')
FIVEMINS = timedelta(seconds=300)
ONEDAY = timedelta(days=1)
def get_data_sgip(starttime: str, endtime: str, ba: str,
req_type: Literal['historical', 'forecasted'],
forecast_timesteps: int = 36) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Retrieves data from the SGIP Signal API.
Authenticates user, performs API request, and returns data as a DataFrame.
If ``req_type`` is ``'historical'``, returns the historical MOER.
If ``req_type`` is ``'forecast'``, returns the forecast for emissions rate
at the next 5 minute mark. See https://sgipsignal.com/api-documentation
starttime: start time. Format ISO 8601 timestamp.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Combined_date_and_time_representations
endtime: end time for data, inclusive. See ``starttime``.
Historical queries are limited to 31 days. Forecast queries are
are limited to 1 day.
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation.
req_type: either ``'historical'`` or ``'forecast'``
forecast_timesteps: number of forecast timesteps to grab (in 5 min
increments), default is 36 timesteps (=3 hours)
df: DataFrame containing either historical or forecasted
rates with a DateTimeIndex named "time". The time index type
is ``datetime64[ns, UTC]`` (in UTC time).
If forecast::
f1 float64
f2 float64
f{forecast_timesteps} float64
If historical::
moer float64
starttimestr = '2021-02-20T00:00:00+0000'
endtimestr = '2021-02-20T23:10:00+0000'
df = get_data_sgip(starttimestr, endtimestr, ba, 'forecasted')
# Authenticate
r = requests.get(LOGIN_URL, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD))
token = r.json()['token']
# Create API fields
params = dict(
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}
r = requests.get(DATA_URLS[req_type], params=params, headers=headers)
df = pd.DataFrame(r.json())
time_column = TIME_COLUMN[req_type]
df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df[time_column], tz=pytz.UTC), inplace=True)
df.index.name = INDEX_NAME
if req_type == 'forecasted':
for i in range(forecast_timesteps): # grab forecast window
df[f'f{i+1}'] = df['forecast'].map(lambda x: x[i]['value'])
df.drop(['forecast', 'generated_at'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df[['moer']]
return df
def get_historical_and_forecasts(starttime: datetime, endtime: datetime, ba: str
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Retrieves historical and forecast MOER data.
May request forecasted data repeatedly due to API constraints.
See notes section in `get_data_sgip()` for more info.
starttime: start time. A timezone-aware datetime object. If not
timezone-aware, assumes UTC time.
endtime: timezone-aware datetime object. See ``starttime``.
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation.
combined_df: DataFrame of both historical and forecasted MOER values
.. code:: none
time (index) datetime64[ns, UTC]
moer float64 historical MOER at given time
f1 float64 forecast for time+5min, generated at given time
f36 float64 forecast for time+3h, generated at given time
# Localize datetimes to UTC
starttime = starttime.astimezone(pytz.UTC)
endtime = endtime.astimezone(pytz.UTC)
# Give one-day padding around starttime and endtime.
starttime -= ONEDAY
endtime += ONEDAY - FIVEMINS
combined_dfs = []
for req_type in ['historical', 'forecasted']:
# Historical queries are limited to 31 days. Queries on forecasts
# are limited to 1 day.
span = timedelta(days=30) if req_type == 'historical' else ONEDAY
# Set up request range (inclusive)
req_starttime = starttime
req_endtime = min(starttime + span - FIVEMINS, endtime)
dfs = []
while req_starttime <= endtime:
# Retrieve data
req_starttimestr = datetime.strftime(req_starttime, SGIP_DT_FORMAT)
req_endtimestr = datetime.strftime(req_endtime, SGIP_DT_FORMAT)
print(f"Retrieving {ba} {req_type}: {req_starttimestr}, {req_endtimestr}")
df = get_data_sgip(req_starttimestr, req_endtimestr, ba, req_type) # type: ignore
df.sort_index(axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True)
# Update request span
req_starttime += span
req_endtime = min(req_starttime + span - FIVEMINS, endtime)
dfs = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0)
combined_df = pd.concat(combined_dfs, axis=1)
combined_df.sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True)
return combined_df
def save_monthly_moer(year: int, month: int, ba: str, save_dir: str) -> None:
"""Saves 1 month of historical and forecasted MOER data, with 1 day of
padding on either end.
May request forecasted data repeatedly due to API constraints. See notes
in `get_data_sgip()` for more info. NaNs in data are imputed with the
previous non-NaN value.
year: year of requested month
month: requested month
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation.
save_dir: directory to save compressed csv to.
# Check whether data has already been saved
file_name = FNAME_FORMAT_STR.format(ba=ba, year=year, month=month)
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, file_name)
if os.path.exists(save_path):
print(f'Found existing file at {save_path}. Will not overwrite.')
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create directory as needed
# Find range of dates for month and retrieve data
starttime = datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
if month < 12:
endtime = datetime(year, month + 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
endtime = datetime(year + 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
df = get_historical_and_forecasts(starttime, endtime, ba)
# when data has NaNs, propagate values forward in time
df.to_csv(save_path, compression=COMPRESSION, index=True) # keep datetime index
def save_moer(starttime: datetime, endtime: datetime, ba: str) -> None:
"""Saves all full-months data between a date range.
Saves data separated by months as separate compressed csv files, which
contain historical and forecasted marginal emission rates for the days
spanning the month.
starttime: start time for data. Only year and month are used.
Timezone information is ignored.
endtime: end time for data. See ``starttime``.
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation.
if starttime > endtime:
raise ValueError(f'starttime {starttime} must come before endtime {endtime}')
syear, smonth = starttime.year, starttime.month
eyear, emonth = endtime.year, endtime.month
while (syear < eyear) or (syear == eyear and smonth <= emonth):
save_monthly_moer(syear, smonth, ba, DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR)
if smonth == 12:
smonth = 1
syear += 1
smonth += 1
def save_moer_default_ranges() -> None:
"""Saves all monthly data for default date ranges.
Repeatedly calls `save_moer()` for all months spanned by the default
ranges. Saves for both balancing authorities: 'SGIP_CAISO_PGE',
for start_date_str, end_date_str in DEFAULT_DATE_RANGES:
starttime = datetime.strptime(start_date_str, DATE_FORMAT)
endtime = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, DATE_FORMAT)
save_moer(starttime, endtime, ba)
def load_monthly_moer(year: int, month: int, ba: str,
save_dir: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Loads pandas DataFrame from file.
year: year of requested month
month: requested month
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation
save_dir: directory to save compressed csv to
df: DataFrame of the emission rates for the month, with index sorted
chronologically. See `get_historical_and_forecasts()` for more info.
# first search through custom models
file_name = FNAME_FORMAT_STR.format(ba=ba, year=year, month=month)
if save_dir is not None:
local_path = os.path.join(save_dir, file_name)
if save_dir is not None and os.path.exists(local_path):
# read from local path
df = pd.read_csv(local_path, compression=COMPRESSION,
# search default models
path = os.path.join('data', 'moer', file_name)
df = read_csv(path, compression=COMPRESSION, index_col=INDEX_NAME)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index)) # set datetime index to UTC
return df
def load_moer(starttime: datetime, endtime: datetime, ba: str,
save_dir: str | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Returns data for all months that overlap with interval.
starttime: start time for data. Only year and month are used.
endtime: end time for data. See ``starttime``.
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation
save_dir: directory to load compressed csvs from
df: DataFrame of historical emissions and forecasts for all months that
overlap the (starttime, endtime) interval. Index is sorted
chronologically. See `get_historical_and_forecasts()` for more info.
starttime, endtime = datetime(2021, 2, 1), datetime(2021, 5, 31)
df = load_moer(starttime, endtime, ba, 'sustaingym/data/moer')
syear, smonth = starttime.year, starttime.month
eyear, emonth = endtime.year, endtime.month
dfs: list[pd.DataFrame] = []
while (syear < eyear) or (syear == eyear and smonth <= emonth):
df = load_monthly_moer(syear, smonth, ba, save_dir)
if len(dfs) > 0: # check for overlapping windows
latest_datetime = dfs[-1].tail(1).index[0] # latest time in previous window
df = df[df.index > latest_datetime] # only fetch later window
if smonth == 12:
syear += 1
smonth = 1
smonth += 1
return pd.concat(dfs, axis=0)
class MOERLoader:
"""Class for loading emission rates data for gyms.
starttime: start time for data. Only year and month are used
endtime: end time for data. See ``starttime``
ba: balancing authority, responsible for region grid operation
save_dir: directory to load compressed csv from
df: DataFrame of historical emissions and forecasts for all months that
overlap the (starttime, endtime) interval. Index is sorted
chronologically. See `get_historical_and_forecasts()` for more info.
def __init__(self, starttime: datetime, endtime: datetime, ba: str,
save_dir: str | None = None):
self.df = load_moer(starttime, endtime, ba, save_dir)
def retrieve(self, dt: datetime) -> np.ndarray:
"""Retrieves MOER data starting at given datetime for next 24 hours.
dt: a timezone-aware datetime object
data: array of shape (289, 37). The first column is the historical
MOER. The remaining columns are forecasts for the next 36
five-min time steps. Units kg CO2 per kWh. Rows are sorted
dt_one_day_later = dt + ONEDAY + FIVEMINS
return self.df[(dt <= self.df.index) & (self.df.index < dt_one_day_later)].values
if __name__ == '__main__':