This module implements baseline algorithms for EVChargingEnv.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import cvxpy as cp
from gymnasium import spaces
import numpy as np
# from stable_baselines3.common.base_class import BaseAlgorithm
from sustaingym.algorithms.base import BaseAlgorithm
from sustaingym.envs.evcharging import EVChargingEnv
from sustaingym.envs.evcharging.env import magnitude_constraint
from sustaingym.envs.utils import solve_mosek
MAX_ACTION = 1 # Default maximum action for gym (default continuous action space)
D_MAX_ACTION = 4 # Discrete maximum action for action wrapper
class GreedyAlgorithm(BaseAlgorithm):
Per-time step greedy charging. Whether the action space is continuous or
discrete, GreedyAlgorithm outputs the maximum pilot signal allowed.
def __init__(self, env: EVChargingEnv):
super().__init__(env, multiagent=False)
self.continuous_action_space = isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box)
self.max_action = MAX_ACTION if self.continuous_action_space else D_MAX_ACTION
def get_action(self, observation: dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns greedy charging action."""
# Send full charging rate wherever demands are non-zero
return np.where(observation['demands'] > 0, self.max_action, 0)
class RandomAlgorithm(BaseAlgorithm):
"""Random action."""
def __init__(self, env: EVChargingEnv):
super().__init__(env, multiagent=False)
self.continuous_action_space = isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box)
self.rng = np.random.default_rng()
def get_action(self, observation: dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns random charging action."""
if self.continuous_action_space:
action = self.rng.random(size=self.env.num_stations)
action = self.rng.choice(D_MAX_ACTION + 1, size=self.env.num_stations)
return action.astype(np.float32)
class MPC(BaseAlgorithm):
"""Model predictive control.
See `BaseAlgorithm` for more attributes.
env: EV charging environment
lookahead: number of timesteps to forecast future trajectory
lookahead: number of timesteps to forecast future trajectory. Note that
MPC cannot see future car arrivals and does not take them into
def __init__(self, env: EVChargingEnv, lookahead: int = 12):
assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box), \
"MPC only supports continuous action space"
assert lookahead <= env.moer_forecast_steps, \
"MPC lookahead must be less than forecasted timesteps"
self.lookahead = lookahead
# Optimization problem setup
# MPC action trajectory
self.traj = cp.Variable((env.num_stations, self.lookahead), nonneg=True)
# Current timestep demands in kWh
self.demands_cvx = cp.Parameter(env.num_stations, nonneg=True)
# Forecasted moers
self.moers = cp.Parameter(self.lookahead, nonneg=True)
# Boolean mask for when an EV is expected to leave
self.mask = cp.Parameter((env.num_stations, self.lookahead), nonneg=True)
# Maximize profit and minimize carbon cost
profit = cp.sum(self.traj) * env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR * env.PROFIT_FACTOR
carbon_cost = cp.sum(self.traj @ self.moers) * env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR * env.CARBON_COST_FACTOR
objective = cp.Maximize(profit - carbon_cost)
constraints = [
# Cannot charge after EV leaves, using estimation as a proxy
self.traj <= self.mask,
# Cannot overcharge demand
cp.sum(self.traj, axis=1) <= self.demands_cvx / env.A_PERS_TO_KWH / env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR,
# Cannot break network constraints
magnitude_constraint(action=self.traj, cn=env.cn)
# Formulate problem
self.prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
assert self.prob.is_dpp() and self.prob.is_dcp()
def get_action(self, observation: dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns first action of the MPC trajectory."""
self.demands_cvx.value = observation['demands']
self.moers.value = observation['forecasted_moer'][:self.lookahead]
# If estimated departure has already passed, assume car will stay for 1 timestep
cur_est_dep = np.maximum(1., observation['est_departures']).astype(np.int32)
cur_est_dep = np.where(observation['demands'] > 0, cur_est_dep, 0)
mask = np.zeros((self.env.num_stations, self.lookahead))
for i in range(self.env.num_stations):
# Max action capped at 1 always
mask[i, :cur_est_dep[i]] = MAX_ACTION
self.mask.value = mask
return self.traj.value[:, 0] # take first action
class OfflineOptimal(BaseAlgorithm):
"""Calculates best performance of a controller that knows the future.
env: EV charging environment
def __init__(self, env: EVChargingEnv):
assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box), \
"Offline optimal only supports continuous action space"
# Optimization problem setup similar to MPC
# Oracle actions, normalized in range [0, 1]
self.traj = cp.Variable((env.num_stations, self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS), nonneg=True)
# EV charging demands, in action-periods
self.demands = cp.Variable((env.num_stations, self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS + 1), nonneg=True)
# True moers
self.moers = cp.Parameter(self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS, nonneg=True)
# Boolean mask for when an EV actually leaves
self.mask = cp.Parameter((env.num_stations, self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS), nonneg=True)
# Maximize profit and minimize carbon cost
profit = cp.sum(self.traj) * env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR * env.PROFIT_FACTOR
carbon_cost = cp.sum(self.traj @ self.moers) * env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR * env.CARBON_COST_FACTOR
self._objective = cp.Maximize(profit - carbon_cost)
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset timestep count."""
self.timestep = 0
# CONSTRAINTS (only a partial list, more are added in get_action())
self._constraints = [
# cannot charge after EV leaves
self.traj <= self.mask,
# aggregate magnitude constraint
magnitude_constraint(action=self.traj, cn=self.env.cn)
def get_action(self, observation: dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
On first call, get action for all timesteps (should be directly
after environment reset).
env = self.env
if self.timestep == 0:
# Set marginal emissions to true values
self.moers.value = env.moer[1:self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS + 1, 0]
# Convert station id to index in charging network
station_idx = {evse: i for i, evse in enumerate(env.cn.station_ids)}
mask = np.zeros((env.num_stations, self.TOTAL_TIMESTEPS))
for ev in env._evs:
ev_idx = station_idx[ev.station_id]
# Set mask using true arrival and departures
mask[ev_idx, ev.arrival:ev.departure] = MAX_ACTION
# Set starting demand constraints
self.demands[ev_idx, ev.arrival]
== ev.requested_energy / env.A_PERS_TO_KWH / env.ACTION_SCALE_FACTOR)
# Set inter-period charge and remaining demand constraints
if ev.arrival + 1 < ev.departure:
self.demands[ev_idx, ev.arrival+1:ev.departure]
== self.demands[ev_idx, ev.arrival:ev.departure-1]
- self.traj[ev_idx, ev.arrival:ev.departure-1])
self.mask.value = mask
# Formulate problem
self.prob = cp.Problem(self._objective, self._constraints)
assert self.prob.is_dpp() and self.prob.is_dcp()
action = self.traj.value[:, self.timestep]
except IndexError as e:
action = np.zeros(54)
self.timestep += 1
return action
# class RLAlgorithm(BaseAlgorithm):
# """RL algorithm wrapper.
# Attributes:
# env (EVChargingEnv): EV charging environment
# rl_model (BaseAlgorithm): can be from stable baselines
# """
# def __init__(self, env: EVChargingEnv, rl_model: BaseAlgorithm):
# """
# Args:
# env (EVChargingEnv): EV charging environment
# rl_model (BaseAlgorithm): can be from stable baselines
# """
# super().__init__(env)
# self.rl_model = rl_model
# def get_action(self, observation: dict[str, Any]) -> np.ndarray:
# """Returns output of RL model.
# Args:
# *See get_action() in BaseAlgorithm.
# Returns:
# *See get_action() in BaseAlgorithm.
# """
# return self.rl_model.predict(observation, deterministic=True)[0]